14 Nov 2013

Magento : Auto Newsletter Subscription For Both Guest And Register User

Hi friends I have a post which only subscribe the email of customer as a guest user automatically .But now acording to my your update I am writing this article which will subscribe the email id to newsletter subscription section by checking whther that eamil already registered or not. If that email id is resistered the subscription will be saved as like below

12 Nov 2013

Magento : List Of Prototype Javascript Validation Classes With Error Message

As U know there are some default classes in magento form field for validation.Like required-entry , validate-email ..etc.So I am here showing  to you all the default classes present in Magento (ver. for  form validation .

11 Nov 2013

Magento: Setup Cron Jobs In Custom Module

Sometimes in magento we need some task to be run , i.e. these tasks/actions need to be performed periodically like:………….  

- Refreshing Catalog Price Rules
- Sending Newsletters to customers
- Generating Google Sitemaps and submitting it to Google
- Sending Customer Notification about product price change or product back in stock
- Updating currency rates
- Making backups
- Cleaning logs 

9 Nov 2013

Magento : Get Available Attribute Set Id's And Names From External Script

According to the requirements of your's I have built the external script which will give all the attribute sets which are available under admin => manage attribute sets section . So please check the below coding.

I have placed this script in dir \magento\getAttributeSet.php means in root directory of magento installation folder.

8 Nov 2013

Magento : Set Meta Title Automatically Save After Product

Here I would just like to save the meta tilte field automatically with similar to produuct name If I save click on the Save or Save and continue edit button in magento admin.for This I will create a Observer through which I can Update the meta_title attribute and save in data base so that If I create a product then meta title filed will be filled up automatically by help of product name .For that I will be using an magento events catalog_product_save_after.The event which called after save of catalog product So please check the below code for reference :

7 Nov 2013

Magento: Speedy Attribute Updates

Generally for updating our attribute value in admin we do like :

Magento : Get Attribute Set Name And Category Name By Product Id

Please follow the below code How to get attribute set name and Product's category name :

6 Nov 2013

Magento: Using Or And And Query Condition To Collection

Please check the below details how we can use AND and OR query condition in magento collection.
Product collection :

5 Nov 2013

Magento: Get Product By Sku

Suppose I have a product object called $product and I want get all the information of that product with reference to SKU .So for that I need to do like below coding.

3 Nov 2013

Magento : Different Form Fields In Admin Form Part One

In this article I am going to show how to add different form fields that you can use in admin forms
e.g : text,button,radio..etc.

2 Nov 2013

Magento: Use Mysql Functions With Addexpressionattributetoselect

Function addExpressionAttributeToSelect as defined in Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract (/app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Model/Entity/Collection/Abstract.php) allows us to use MySQL functions in Magento collection. Here is an example of using MYSQL IN() clause in magenot more product collection at once :

1 Nov 2013

Magento: How To Get List Of All Modules Programmatically?

One of the most great advantages of magento is it supports various of modules to install for a different type of work.Also it has default modules,So for knowing how many modules installed in magento and to check whether that is active or not please follow below details:

31 Oct 2013

Magento: How To Select, Insert, Update, And Delete Data?

Suppose, I have a database table named ‘test‘ with the following fields:-
id : int, auto increment, primary key
title : varchar
content : text
status : 1
Suppose, I have a module named ‘mytest‘. Here follows the code to select, insert, update, and delete data from the ‘test‘ table.

30 Oct 2013

Here Are Code To Get, Set, And Unset Session In Magento

Magento allows the functionality to set the the value into session and get it where you want and unset too.There are three different modules magento uses for handling the session variable.Most common is the core module for handling the session variable that is'core/session' .For using the session variable magento uses most favourable methods 'setter' and getter like to set session set(your variable name) and to retrieving the session get.So lets starts for more details how to use variable for set,get and unset session variables.

29 Jul 2013

Php Variables

General Syntax of a PHP Variable is :
A variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
A variable name must begin with a letter or the underscore character
A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
A variable name should not contain spaces

4 Jun 2013

How To Make My First Php Program And Run It.

For installation of PHP ..you can download wamp server from http://www.wampserver.com/en/  or http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.php

Let’s see how to make and run PHP code for the first time in your computer.