24 Feb 2014

How to disable and enable magento's default block

Generrally in magento store some of the default functionality and modules are there which comes by default in some location.Some people needs these default blocks and some don't.That means they need to disable those undesire modules or blocks.In this article I am going to show you how to disable some of default modules and blocks of content, like the callout banners in the right and left columns, or the poll, or newsletter signup.Also here you will be getting two different ways for disabling default modules and block content like:

20 Feb 2014

Get list of categories ,subcategories and sub-subcategories in custom script

This tutorial is going to show you one of the ways to list all sub-categories and sub sub categories through custom script for your Magento store.In This script I have shown all subcategories on the basis of main category means Root Catalog's Id.
If you change the $id = 1 then it will display suabcategory upto the first level that looks like below.

18 Feb 2014

Magento : How To Remove Back To School Block On Right Side That Comes Up After Checkout

Simple You can do by commenting the some codes in catalog.xml file by :
if you have installed any theme then according to that theme location :

10 Feb 2014

Magento : Get Base Url,Skin Url,Media Url,Js Url,Store Url and Current Url

There are different way to retrieve different URL paths depending in which section you’re editing.So Magento Mage Core, Admin Static Blocks, or Phtml edits are usually includes getting url path such images, javascript, base url, media and store url.Lets get the different URL on different location by following the below examples.

9 Feb 2014

How to Install Yii Application in Wamp Server(windows-7/8)

This is my first tutorial regarding Yii so I am showing all necessary steps and how to install the framework in wamp server.Before starting your Yii application in windows server you need set your php engine location in environment variable.Installing Yii framework is not as easy as Codeigniter, which is basically just copy and pasting framework in WAMP root. Installing Yii is little bit tricky as compared to Codeigniter. In this tutorial I will try to make it easy by giving you step by step explanation. So lets start.

Before giving all the steps I assume you have installed your wamp server having the directory
"C:\wamp\" and also I am showing all the details by testing through my system.