Showing posts with label store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label store. Show all posts

10 Feb 2014

Magento : Get Base Url,Skin Url,Media Url,Js Url,Store Url and Current Url

There are different way to retrieve different URL paths depending in which section you’re editing.So Magento Mage Core, Admin Static Blocks, or Phtml edits are usually includes getting url path such images, javascript, base url, media and store url.Lets get the different URL on different location by following the below examples.

19 Jan 2014

Magento: Creating custom attribute using sql setup in custom module

/* Magento: Creating custom attribute using sql setup in custom module */
Here I am going show how to create a simple product attribute programatically.I have created a simple script which is creating the product attribute when I do install my module or upgrade my module.So please look at the below code which I have created.

11 Nov 2013

Magento: Setup Cron Jobs In Custom Module

Sometimes in magento we need some task to be run , i.e. these tasks/actions need to be performed periodically like:………….  

- Refreshing Catalog Price Rules
- Sending Newsletters to customers
- Generating Google Sitemaps and submitting it to Google
- Sending Customer Notification about product price change or product back in stock
- Updating currency rates
- Making backups
- Cleaning logs