28 Jan 2014

Odesk php 5 exam question and answer

Question: You have two strings, which you want to concatenate.

$str1 = ‘Have a ‘;
$str2 = ‘Nice Day’;
The fastest way would be:

a. $str1.Concat($str2);
b. $str1.$str2;
c. “$str1$str2”;
d. None of the above

23 Jan 2014

Magento: event observer with save before and save after

Here I am going show how to create a simple product attribute programatically.I have created a simple script which is creating the product attribute when I do install my module or upgrade my module.So please look at the below code which I have created.

21 Jan 2014

Magento: different form fields in admin form part two

For First Part Please take look
Magento : different form fields in Admin form part one
In this article I am going to show how to add different form fields that you can use in admin forms e.g : text,button,radio..etc. app/code/local/MyNamespace/MyModule/Block/Adminhtml/Mymodule/Edit/Tab/Form.php

19 Jan 2014

Magento: Creating custom attribute using sql setup in custom module

/* Magento: Creating custom attribute using sql setup in custom module */
Here I am going show how to create a simple product attribute programatically.I have created a simple script which is creating the product attribute when I do install my module or upgrade my module.So please look at the below code which I have created.

13 Jan 2014

Magento: Submit custom form with magento’s built-in ajax with validation

/* Magento: Submit custom form with magento’s built-in ajax with validation */
Suppose I have created a custom form and I want submit that form through through ajax funtionality with magento’s own validation style.As you know for validating(not leaving blank) a field in magento we simply use a class called class="required-entry".So I have used required-entry class to validating my form. Below is my custom form which I have placed inside view.phtml file for giving product information through email to customer. If customer will click the link “get product details” then this form will be appeared and then he can fill up the form and submit for getting details.

11 Jan 2014

Magento: How To Subscribe Customer Email Id To Newsletter Subscription List Automatically

Sometimes we need to auto subscribe the customer email address without knowing to customer if he visit to our site or click on any events in the site .So in magento that functionality is also available but that generally goes through customer permission .but here you can set by below code to newsletter subscription list .

10 Jan 2014

Magento :Custom Form With Default Validation

/* Magento :Custom Form With Default Validation */
When I was new in magento.I had found in registration form of customer there are some default validation . I was really getting wondered that where that is ? Now I don’t like you to be wondered .That means there are some default classes available in magento which are present in validation.js file.So please the following details then you will be understood.So I have taken the below html as an example html.

1 Jan 2014

How To Validate Upload File Using Javascript

Here is my file type field and I have placed in my custom form .So I want to validate that file when user will browse any file means select any file. That event will occurred with onchange event. So I called a java script function check_photo() on onchange events.

14 Nov 2013

Magento : Auto Newsletter Subscription For Both Guest And Register User

Hi friends I have a post which only subscribe the email of customer as a guest user automatically .But now acording to my your update I am writing this article which will subscribe the email id to newsletter subscription section by checking whther that eamil already registered or not. If that email id is resistered the subscription will be saved as like below

12 Nov 2013

Magento : List Of Prototype Javascript Validation Classes With Error Message

As U know there are some default classes in magento form field for validation.Like required-entry , validate-email ..etc.So I am here showing  to you all the default classes present in Magento (ver. for  form validation .