3 Nov 2013

Magento : Different Form Fields In Admin Form Part One

In this article I am going to show how to add different form fields that you can use in admin forms
e.g : text,button,radio..etc.

Text Field
Here is how to add a text field to an admin form, with a list of all the options

$fieldset->addField('title', 'text', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('Title3'),
          'class'     => 'required-entry',
          'required'  => true,
          'name'      => 'title',
          'onclick' => "alert('on click');",
          'onchange' => "alert('on change');",
          'style'   => "border:10px",
          'value'  => 'hello !!',
          'disabled' => false,
          'readonly' => true,
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

Time :
Here is how to add a time field to an admin form, with a list of all the options

$fieldset->addField('time', 'time', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('Time'),
          'class'     => 'required-entry',
          'required'  => true,
          'name'      => 'title',
          'onclick' => "",
          'onchange' => "",
          'value'  => '12,04,15',
          'disabled' => false,
          'readonly' => false,
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

TextArea :
Here is how to add a textarea field to an admin form, with a list of all the options

$fieldset->addField('textarea', 'textarea', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('TextArea'),
          'class'     => 'required-entry',
          'required'  => true,
          'name'      => 'title',
          'onclick' => "",
          'onchange' => "",
          'value'  => '',
          'disabled' => false,
          'readonly' => false,
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

Submit Button :
Here is how to add a submit button field to an admin form, with a list of all the options

$fieldset->addField('submit', 'submit', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('Submit'),
          'required'  => true,
          'value'  => 'Submit',
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

Drop down :
Here is how to add a dropdown field to an admin form, with a list of all the options

$fieldset->addField('select', 'select', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('Select'),
          'class'     => 'required-entry',
          'required'  => true,
          'name'      => 'title',
          'onclick' => "",
          'onchange' => "",
          'value'  => '1',
          'values' => array('-1'=>'Please Select..','1' => 'Option1','2' => 'Option2', '3' => 'Option3'),
          'disabled' => false,
          'readonly' => false,
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

Here is another version of the drop down

$fieldset->addField('select2', 'select', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('Select Type2'),
          'class'     => 'required-entry',
          'required'  => true,
          'name'      => 'title',
          'onclick' => "",
          'onchange' => "",
          'value'  => '4',
          'values' => array(
                                '-1'=>'Please Select..',
                                '1' => array(
                                                'value'=> array(array('value'=>'2' , 'label' => 'Option2') , array('value'=>'3' , 'label' =>'Option3') ),
                                                'label' => 'Size'    
                                '2' => array(
                                                'value'=> array(array('value'=>'4' , 'label' => 'Option4') , array('value'=>'5' , 'label' =>'Option5') ),
                                                'label' => 'Color'   
          'disabled' => false,
          'readonly' => false,
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

Radio Button :
Here is how to add a radio button field to an admin form, with a list of all the options

$fieldset->addField('radio', 'radio', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('Radio'),
          'name'      => 'title',
          'onclick' => "",
          'onchange' => "",
          'value'  => '1',
          'disabled' => false,
          'readonly' => false,
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

$fieldset->addField('radio2', 'radios', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('form')->__('Radios'),
          'name'      => 'title',
          'onclick' => "",
          'onchange' => "",
          'value'  => '2',
          'values' => array(
          'disabled' => false,
          'readonly' => false,
          'after_element_html' => 'Comments',
          'tabindex' => 1

Please take a look at part two for more reference

Magento: different form fields in admin form part two

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